Physical Education

At Kenilworth Primary we believe that PE and Sport play an important role in making our vision statement a reality for every pupil, with the potential to change children's lives for the better. We aim to provide a wide range of high quality sport and physical activities to engage all children.

We receive Sports Premium funding and utilise this in many ways including the provision of specialist coaching in gymnastics and other sports. We run a range of extra-curricular clubs including football and dance.  

All of the children have the opportunity to participate in numerous competitions either in school or representing the school in inter-school competitions. We champion PE because we know that physical education is an important factor in regards to children's well-being, both mentally and physically. 

We deliver PE by using the National Curriculum objectives along with our scheme of work Complete PE which is used as a resource to support progression and development of skills. Lessons are varied and engaging, allowing children to become confident, resilient learners, who can work in a team, build effective physical skills and to have an awareness of a healthy lifestyle. The skill focus changes across the year groups to ensure progression. 

PE Coverage

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