Early Years

Our Early Years Unit is for pupils from 3 to 5 years of age. Our Nursery and Reception children play and learn alongside each other, developing friendships and helping each other succeed. They are taught by Ms Williams and Mrs Baker in Nursery along with Mrs Pillay, Mrs Gates and Mrs Stalham in Reception.

Calm And Creative Environment

Our recently refurbished Early Years Unit is a calm and purposeful environment designed to support all children to learn through meaningful and engaging child initiated play.

The importance of play in child development is fundamental and we are proud of our carefully structured curriculum. This ensures that all children are given the opportunities to learn through curiosity, exploration and discovery.

Outdoor Learning

Our outdoor area is designed to ensure that children’s learning continues as they explore outside.

We have lots of opportunities for physical development through our bikes and trim trail, running alongside our mud kitchen, building area and lots of opportunities for mark making in the outdoor classroom.

The children are outside all year round, so do make sure they have warm coats and wellies to keep them safe and comfortable while learning outside.


New Starters - Nursery and Reception

Welcome to Kenilworth Primary School!

We are really looking forward to welcoming our new Reception and Nursery children in September.  Below you will find a selection of useful resources to help you to prepare your child as they enter this new stage.  If you have any questions or would like to speak to a member of staff, please contact us at admin@kenilworth.herts.sch.uk

Fun Activities To Do At Home

The summer holiday can sometimes feel long at the best of times, and as we navigate our way out of lockdown we probably all feel that our creative resources for home learning have run rather dry. If you are looking for some inspiration or some fresh ideas, Herts for Learning have created a bank of age-appropriate resources for you to use. If your child is starting Nursery, use the 30-50 months resources and if they are starting Reception then the resources aged 40-60 months will be appropriate.


Nursery Rhymes

As well as being lots of fun, Herts for Learning shares some great information as to why nursery rhymes are so important for children’s early development and also offers some tips for sharing nursery rhymes with your child.



Futher useful documentation

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