Breakfast Club
Breakfast Club runs daily from 7:45am to 8:45am in the Nuture room.
Breakfast club runs each day from 7:45am to 8:45am. Mrs Davison and our KS1 infant meal time supervisor, Mrs Judd run the club each day.
Parents/carers are asked to escort their child at the start of Breakfast Club at the nurture room door where they will be welcomed by staff.
A healthy start to the day
All children need a calm morning and a healthy breakfast to prepare their brains to learn. Within breakfast club we offer a wide range of cereals, toast, juice and fruit. Once the children have eaten, they can play, read or do their homework.
At the end of the session, the staff escort the younger children to their classrooms and the older children make their own way to get to registration on time.
We try to keep our charges low and therefore the daily fee is £4.50 for each pupil, although there are discounts for families. We accept childcare vouchers in payment for our Breakfast Club. Pupils in receipt of free school meals are subsidised or can access the club for free, depending on their circumstances.